Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sasquatch Have Feelings Too

How rude. No wonder they don't want to be seen.
Being this is a blog, I probably I should write something occasionally:
Some of the big challenges faced in starting to do these comics, in addition to the never ending task of learning to draw, include writing, planning and managing time. This particular one has been especially tough all around. I actually shelved it for a while then overhauled it months later. Oh well, done is done, moving on!

Still experimenting with style and rendering. I think I prefer a looser style like in True Gentleman.
 There is a temptation to make everything detailed and clean, but it can sometimes kill the spontaneity and action.

Second, I am debating using fonts/type face as opposed to hand lettering. Handwriting is time consuming and admittedly is not my forte. However, it does have a nice look to it (sometimes...when it's actually even). The other thing is introducing a uniform, clean type sometimes clashes with the drawing style. So, that is something to consider.

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